Looking for inspiration for your remote work setup? From Studio Ghibli-inspired spaces to clean, minimalist setups, our team share what makes their workstations work for them.
Alex, Sales

“My table is 160 cm × 80 cm and height-adjustable with four memory settings. The desk and the chair were considerable investments, but so worth it. Apart from that, there’s a camera always at the ready, my earphones, a 1Password pin on the foot of the monitor, my ever-present coffee mug, a stainless steel water bottle, and the Enterprise E (Nemesis version).”
Marica, Web Development

“I’m going for “Mom from Kiki’s Delivery Service” or “Alchemist next door” kind of vibes.”
Alessandro, Development

“The desk is a standing desk. In my opinion, having a height-adjustable desk is as important as having a good chair. I always have my thug life glasses handy as well as my horse mask (they’re useful when joking with friends on a video call during this quarantine!).
“The medicine container has some Fisherman’s in it – I always wanted that thing you see in the movies. Then there’s Padd the padlock, the 1Password magnet, and some Inside Out figures to complete the setup. Yes, I actively use two pairs of headphones!”
Daniel, Content

“My workspace doubles as a home studio, so I always have my mic set up for video calls, and my monitors are perfect for listening to tunes while I work.”
Nick, Development

“The desk is a Fully Jarvis (my first standing desk!) with a minimal set of things on it except for a couple of figures, a keepsake, and a HomePod hidden at the end.”
Blake, Customer Support

“I’ve fit two different setups into my office. There’s my go-to Windows workstation, with another desk that’s adjustable so that when I get tired of sitting, I can stand and work instead! This also doubles as my gaming/streaming workstation, so it’s perfect for me.”
Emily, Content

“I usually work out of the house or at the kitchen table, but with my daughter home from school for the foreseeable future, I changed my boiler cupboard/dressing room into a makeshift office. I love the natural light and being able to see outside while working.”
Arturo, Customer Support

“My setup is as minimalist as it gets: MacBook Pro 13” and Powerbeats Pro.”
Dayton, Customer Support

“I wanted a big desk but didn’t want to pay for one, so I bought a piece of furniture-grade plywood, ripped it to size, and propped it up on some IKEA legs. I try to keep things as simple as possible, so I have one monitor attached to a sit/stand arm, and a little 8-bit Mario. I also have a little desk plant and a big orange cat.”
Chris, Development

“Working with a window, and a view out those windows, is a must! I’m also a big fan of the Jarvis standing. I only sit for the first hour or two of the day, so I use a fairly boring chair.”
Dane, Development

“I have an adjustable standing desk that I use with an Ergodriven Topo anti-fatigue mat (which I highly recommend) and a Mirra “barstool” office chair that I use when standing becomes too much.
“Using two screens gives me the flexibility to either extend my current desktop or hook up another computer for cross-platform work. The monitor arms are fantastic as they keep my screens at a comfortable eye level and declutter my desk. I “dual-wield” a Magic Mouse in my right hand, and a Magic Trackpad in my left. Also coffee, noise-cancelling headphones, an iPad, a capacitive phone charger, and Firewatch.”
Sarah, Content

“My workspace is where I do all my writing, both for work and for fun. I have a standing desk to encourage me to get up out of my chair for at least a few hours every day. And then of course, a collection of awesome ladies to inspire me.”
Grant, Enterprise

“My home office doubles as my studio.”
Jackie, Customer Support

“While I’d love to say I use my nice home office, I actually don’t, and that’s not just a shelter-at-home thing. You’ll usually always find me working from my couch with a sleeping doggo.”
Jones, Social and Customer Support

“For me, natural light is key to not feeling overly cloistered. I like a reasonable amount of clear space on my desk. We’ve got a BMO mug, magnetic creativity toy, font poster, and a cookbook holder I use when taking notes from hard-copy books.”
Kate, Social and Customer Support

“Plenty of natural light, no wall behind the screens so we can shift our focus to something in the distance (good for eye health), plus a big enough desk that we can work together if we want but have our space when we need it.
“Also, the monitor lowers into the desk, so when work time is over, our office doubles as a little bar to eat at while watching TV/movies. It’s also a handy place for projects – from board games to designing labels for our latest batch of homebrew.”
Lily, Content

“Natural light makes a big difference. And a stack of books to bring the MacBook up to eye level.”
Kaitlyn, QA and Customer Support

“For me, adding a little bit of life to my office has been crucial – whether that’s plants, my dog, or letting my tortoise walk around the room. They all make me smile when I look up from my laptop.”
Duncan, Customer Support

“I don’t keep an especially tidy desk (yes, that is the SeaPass from AGConf on my desk. No, I don’t know why).”
Will, Design and Web

“I’ve tried to create a place of comfort and coziness to spend my workday in. When you spend 8+ hours a day somewhere you want it to be comfortable and enjoyable. I also find that my creativity is driven in part by my environment, so having art and stuff around me makes me happy.”
Tom, Customer Support

James, Content

“The more screens and peripherals I add, the more restricted I feel. And I still love paper. Especially when it’s time to word-wrestle.”
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