Blog | 1Password
Welcoming Linux to the 1Password Family
The wait is over. 1Password for Linux is officially here.
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Digital estate planning: How to share digital accounts safely
We’re all familiar with wills. But have you considered your digital estate? By that, we mean all of your personal data, including any service that you log into online. Many people don’t realize they need a handover plan, which can create complications for their loved ones when they pass away.
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Secure your medical record with 1Password
At 1Password, we’ve always worked hard to help you secure your digital life. You can use our password manager to safely store and access logins, passwords, company credit cards, email addresses, and other identity information.
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Why World Password Day is more relevant than ever
Cybercrime is on the rise, businesses have become the number one target, and data breaches are costing companies millions. With most breaches caused by weak, reused, or stolen credentials, it’s time to talk about your passwords.
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Going further to support journalists on World Press Freedom Day
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