It’s been a while since I wrote a hiring post so let me take a step back before jumping in. Ten years ago, we started out as a Mac OS X shop and slowly branched out to all platforms. 1Password is now on OS X, iOS, Windows, and Android. With our 1Password service, we also have customers on Linux now.
During this time, our development team has grown from 2 to over 20 and this has enabled us to have separate teams for each platform. Nowadays when I write a 1Password announcements newsletter I am routinely able to share updates on multiple platforms instead of just one. I used to have a hard limit of 500 words per newsletter but have since raised it to 1000 to make room for all the awesome things we’re working on.
And with all these additional updates have come a lot more customers as well. We love helping customers and pride ourselves on giving helpful and friendly answers to everyone who reaches out to us.
Lately it has been getting harder and harder to keep our response time super fast so we’re looking to add several awesome folks to our support team to help out.
Read on to see if you’d be a good dance partner for us ?
Love Helping People?
If you love helping people I’d love to talk with you and see if working at AgileBits is right for you.
It really is that simple. I’m not looking for any resumes or technical degrees – I will read them if provided but all I really care about is you have a good heart and that you love helping others.
We can teach you everything else you need to know, but try as we might, we cannot teach you compassion or empathy.
If this sounds like you, contact me and we’ll get the conversation started. But before you click Send on that email, let’s cover a few important points you’ll need to know ❤
This Ain’t Typical Customer Support
If you have a mental image of Customer Support as being locked in a cubicle within some faceless organization reading from a set of prewritten scripts, you’ll be happy to know that working at AgileBits is nothing like working in a cube farm.
For one thing, we are a remote company so most of us work from home. Second, we want to WOW customers whenever possible so our support team has no prewritten scripts to read from.
Sure we have an Internal Knowledgebase with answers to help you when you need it, but your goal is not to get the customer to go away like most companies. Instead, your goal is to go out of your way to put a smile on our customers’ faces. There’s no script in the world that can accomplish this given our diverse set of users so it’s up to you to be creative and find a way to create a personal connection with each user.
Communicating with 1Password users and helping them directly is an incredibly rewarding experience. We really do have the best customers in the world and we give you the freedom to have fun with them.
With that in mind, we want you spending some extra time to learn about each customer, what they like and dislike, and if you find they are a Mets fan, go ahead and razz them and let them know they don’t stand a chance against the Blue Jays this year. ⚾️
Once you show customers that you’re human, have a sense of humour, and are actually there to help them, they are quick to respond with a smile and helping them becomes much easier. You’ll also be well on your way to making a new friend.
Our best marketing tool
You might think that spending all this extra time with customers would be expensive but we’ve never viewed Customer Support as an expense. In fact it’s the exact opposite: we believe support is the best marketing tool we can possibly invest in.
When customers have an awesome experience with 1Password and our support team, they tell their friends and families and co-workers. Word of mouth marketing has always been the cornerstone of our marketing plan and it’s one of the main reasons we’re here today.
We want you going the extra mile while helping customers and finding creative ways to make them smile. Doing so encourages customers to write back whenever needed and we can continue building the relationship.
Greatness doesn’t require perfection
I was thinking about this blog post a few weeks ago while driving with Sara, Abby, and Jack to Darien Lake for a family weekend.
During the drive I saw a sign that really resonated with me. It said, “You don’t have to be perfect to be the perfect parent”. As much as I think fostering children is awesome, what came to my mind when I read the sign is that it applies equally to support.
No one on our team is perfect, but we provide amazing support.
This is certainly true for me personally. Long gone are the days where I knew everything there was to know about 1Password, so when a customer catches me off guard I’m honest and tell them I need to go ask for help. Other times I don’t understand the issue being described so I simply tell the truth that I’m not following them 100% and ask if they can elaborate. When I make a mistake I fall on my sword and say sorry. And I always try to go out of my way to wish people a good weekend or any holidays that might be coming up.
At the end of the day, I simply try to be human and treat people the way I would face to face. Over the years I’ve found humility and friendliness to be the best tools to show customers that I care and am listening.
In sum if you’re nervous to apply because you’re worried you can’t answer every everything, don’t be. If you’re a hero, we’ll hire you. But if you’re just someone who loves 1Password and enjoys helping people, we’ll also hire you ?
By the way, you might be wondering why I am so confident you would be an awesome fit for our support team. My thought process is this: You are already using 1Password and you’re passionate enough about 1Password to be reading our blog. And if you’ve made it this far to learn that you need to include your favourite Game of Thrones character in your application email, then you obviously have the stamina and attention to detail that we need?
If you have a kind heart and love helping people, let’s talk. Our support team is the best in the world and we’d love to have you join us.

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