Fumbling with an app when you’re already stressed? We know the struggle. Also, is it just us, or does it always happen when you’re already having a bad day?
It may seem silly, but sometimes, a few extra clicks or typing can feel painful when you’re just trying to get stuff done.
That’s why, in 2024, we’re focused on making 1Password smoother, simpler, and more intuitive. We’re dedicated to making sure the secure thing is always the easy thing.
Throughout the year, we’ll continually improve 1Password so it can reliably work as you expect. No more struggles. We’ll keep you updated on added and improved features along the way, because every click and tap should feel effortless. The seamless experience you deserve.
Improving password autofill, browser extension functionality, and more in 1Password
Since the end of 2023, we’ve already made nearly 200 updates to 1Password. These updates focused on overall performance, reliability, and usability with the goal of simply making sure things work better.
This round, we devoted our energy to the browser extension experience and search within the 1Password apps because they are the quickest, most effective tools to find and use your passwords while online. We’ll be working on plenty more updates in the near future, so stay tuned!
In this blog, we’re sharing some highlights on how we’ve improved several different features in the 1Password web browser extensions and 1Password apps including:
1Password browser extensions:
- Consistent password autofill experience.
- Credential management and search with smart titles.
- Better syncing when on or offline.
- Saved time with 1Password for Chrome updates.
- Improved 1Password for Safari autofill suggestions.
- Save login improvements in the 1Password beta extensions.
1Password apps:
- Search improvements in the 1Password apps.
If you’d like to learn more about all the updates we’ve made, check out our release notes for all the details.
A consistent password autofill experience for the browser extension
Some private web elements used to prevent the autofill dropdown menu from appearing or prevent autofill on login forms on certain websites.
We’ve addressed this, so you can now seamlessly autofill on more sites, login forms, and much more! The 1Password browser extension will now work more regularly in username fields, email fields, addresses, and form credentials. The extension will also autofill more efficiently on hundreds of sites, like Reddit and CVS.
Plus, we made a fix for many top popular sites, like Walmart and ESPN, that used to close the 1Password browser extension before it could complete autofilling.
Streamlined credential management and search with smart titles for the browser extension
The 1Password browser extension now leverages smart titles for the top 900+ sites online. Previously, a site like American Airlines might have been automatically labeled simply as “AA” for the title of the item, but now, it’s accurately and automatically titled as “American Airlines,” making it more contextually relevant to the item you’re saving.

This streamlines the process of creating and saving new items faster and more accurately, and also makes it much easier to search for and find items later on.
Better syncing for the browser extension whether you’re on or offline
If you’ve dealt with the pain of an unstable internet connection, you’ll love this update. Before, if you tried to save an item in the browser extension but you were offline, the item would save locally in the extension, but wouldn’t sync across your other 1Password apps, like on your phone or tablet. That means you couldn’t access that item until the connection was re-established, which wasn’t happening quick enough.
Now, the browser extension will better recognize when you’re on or offline, meaning if you’re ever disconnected and then reconnected to the internet, your password will save and sync across all the 1Password apps faster.
Save time and avoid disruptions with 1Password for Chrome updates
If you’re a Chrome user, you know the browser updates quite often as Google pushes out new features and security updates for users. Previously, this caused interruptions in the connection between the 1Password for Chrome browser extension and the 1Password desktop app, leading to frequent password re-entry to unlock the extension again after Chrome updates.
We heard your feedback on how frustrating that was, so now, whenever Chrome issues a pending update, you’ll no longer need to unlock 1Password, experiencing less interruptions to your daily tasks.

With this new update, we estimate that we prevented nearly 20 million instances of unexpected re-authentication. With each login taking about two seconds, we’ve collectively saved our customers approximately 462 days worth of time. That’s enough time to watch the entire The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Edition 932 times or sail a pirate ship across the Atlantic Ocean 18 and a half times. Phew, that’s a lot of time saved!
Find exactly what you’re looking for with 1Password for Safari updates
Before, the 1Password for Safari browser extension didn’t filter suggestions in the autofill menu like it did for extensions for other browsers, like Chrome and Firefox.

We’ve fixed that, now making it easier to find and autofill the right details depending on what site you’re on – plus, if you have to use different browsers for any reason or end up switching some day, you can expect a consistent and familiar 1Password experience.
Auto save and submit logins automatically in the 1Password beta extensions
Now in the 1Password beta extensions, when you sign in to a site that you haven’t yet stored a credential for, 1Password will automatically create and save the credential for you after you’ve logged in – meaning you no longer have to manually save an item before you sign in.
Not only does this make saving your logins easier, but it also means you no longer have to manually update an item if you entered the wrong username or password and already saved it to 1Password.
But wait, there’s more!
Autofilling credentials is handy, but you often have to manually submit the form you’ve filled, keep clicking to progress through multiple pages, and select autofill again in the next form fields that could come up, like two-factor authentication (2FA).

That’s too much work, so we’ve introduced improved autofill automation for your logins. Now, once you’ve selected a credential to autofill, the rest of the process autofills, auto-submits, and auto-progresses through multi-page sign-ins all on its own, including 2FA codes.
Improved search in the 1Password apps
Previously, if you were searching for something in 1Password, the result would be shown within a list of all your 1Password items. This means if you picked the wrong item or wanted to look at multiple items with similar characteristics, you had to start your search completely over. Now, we only show you the list of items that match your search until you initiate a new search.
Plus, search filters are now visible and usable across all of the 1Password apps. This means you can easily see all of your recently searched items on all devices for faster searching. We’ve also improved functionality to support search queries from customers, so we will keep making search even better this year.
We’re always listening
We’re continuously working to make sure 1Password is simplifying your online world, all while keeping you safe. With subscriptions based on your needs, you can protect yourself, your business, and even an enterprise, with the most reliable password manager around.
Your feedback about 1Password is incredibly valuable to us. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to make all these improvements, or all the ones to come. Keep letting us know what you think – we can’t wait to hear from you!
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