During WWDC season, we often post glimpses at behind-the-scenes work and prototypes we’re exploring. On this occasion, our experiment remains just that — an experiment. We’re excited about AutoFill on macOS, however, and hopeful that it will become part of 1Password for Mac in the future.
There’s a .well-known
saying: Save the best for last. That’s exactly what Apple has subtly done for 1Password during Friday’s AutoFill Everywhere session at WWDC20! Not only did Apple announce that macOS Big Sur is bringing full support for password and security code AutoFill to all apps, they also dropped this gem at the very end of the session:
And one more thing that’s cool is that macOS Big Sur also supports password manager apps as a data source for AutoFill.

Autofill is key to 1Password, so we rounded up our crack team of Apple developers and added support for Password AutoFill during a Friday afternoon hack-fest.
Look for 1Password in the apps on your Mac this fall when macOS Big Sur launches!
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